Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Project Update #4

Okay folks, so I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I STILL have not been able to obtain the accident data from the NYS Department of Transportation... nor have I heard back from the Albany Bicycling Coalition! That said, it will probably be another week or so before I get a solid draft of my map completed. HOWEVER, the good news is that despite my issues with acquiring data, I was still able to make some progress on my project over the past few days! On top of finding some relevant maps from the Capital District Transportation Coalition's website, I sent in an official FOIL request to the Department of Transportation! Below are some screenshots and/or links to the maps I found today:

Map 1- "NYS Department of Transportation Functional Class Viewer."

Map 2- "Capital District Transportation Committee's 2013-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Map"

Map 3- "Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike Map: Albany to Cohoes Section"

Link= http://www.cdtcmpo.org/mohhudns.pdf

Map 4- "Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike Map: Cohoes to Rotterdam Junction Section"
Link= http://www.cdtcmpo.org/mohhudew.pdf

Map 5- "CDTC's Bicycle Pedestrian Priority Network"
Link= http://www.cdtcmpo.org/networks/bikeped.pdf

Since many of these maps were created using arcgisonline, my goal is to find a way to transfer some of their layers into my own ArcMap document! Needless to say, I have quite a bit of work to do over the next couple of days!

Until next time,

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